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My path to wildlife photography was shaped early on by a profound appreciation for the natural world, sparked during my childhood in Southern New Jersey. Living by a lake and surrounded by forests, I was captivated at the age of five by the sight of Canada geese during their winter migration. These moments, observing the diverse behaviors and the sheer number of waterfowl congregating in the hundreds or thousands on the lake in my backyard, ignited a curiosity within me that has never dimmed. Growing up with such direct access to nature's wonders, my fascination quickly grew into a deeper passion for capturing the essence of wildlife through photography. It was more than just documenting what I saw; it became a means to immerse myself in the lives of these creatures, understanding them on a more intimate level. This journey has taken me across the globe, allowing me to experience the beauty of wildlife in their natural habitats firsthand. For me, wildlife photography is about the story. It's about those quiet, magical moments spent in the company of the natural world, witnessing behaviors and scenes few get to see. It's a blend of adventure, conservation, and storytelling, all rolled into one. Every photograph is a reminder of those early days by the lake, a testament to the wonders of nature that continue to inspire and drive my passion today.

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Hanuman langur
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Wildlife photography has also helped in developing my aspirations for environmental conservation. During my undergraduate years at Berkeley, I focused on a concentration in economics, where I had spent the last two years working in economic consulting to comprehend how to apply economics towards environmental protection. To further my understanding, I will continue with a Masters in Finance at Cambridge to learn how to improve the intersection between development economics and nature conservation. I wish to improve upon society and assist underprivileged communities and wildlife conservation efforts. Through the application of microfinance, impact investments, and FinTech conservation initiatives, I hope to improve the relation between environmental preservation and rural poverty reduction.

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